Join us

If you are at least 7 years old and would like to join scouting, please contact the group leader, Mira Kuusikko, at mira.kuusikko(at)

Children under 7 years old can participate in Family Scouting together with a guardian. Meetings will be announced separately and are held about once a month. More information can be found in the sections “Groups” and “Current News,” and further details can be obtained from Mira via email. Welcome to join us!

You can also fill out the registration form

It is important to join the Finnish Scouts ( as a member when participating in scouting activities, as this activates the scout insurance, which covers all weekly meetings as well as trips and camps. You can try scouting three times before needing to become a member.

The meetings

We usually hold weekly meetings at our scout den located at Vanha Ahteentaantie 7 (Old Prayer House). Participants should bring their own scout scarf, personal note-taking supplies, and weather-appropriate gear. Since we spend a lot of time outdoors during our weekly meetings, it’s a good idea to always have enough outdoor clothing with you. It’s best to arrive at the den just before your group’s meeting begins.

The schedules for the den evenings can be found in the “Groups” section.

Explorels arrange their own den evenings and follow the program available on the “Kompassi” website. You can find Kompassi by searching for “kompassi partio.” Explorels also serve as group leaders.